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Senior Summer and What It Has to Do with Cash Flow

Have you ever missed that glorious, responsibility-free summer between high school and college? The one where you’re supposed to let your hair down, breathe deeply, and savor the sweet taste of freedom before diving into the next big chapter of life? Well, I never got that. But this year, I’m making up for it. Welcome to my Senior Summer!

The Summer That Never Was

I graduated from high school and went straight into college. I got accepted into the nursing program and had to finish my prerequisites before starting the fall semester. So, I hit the books while my friends were out having fun. There was no time for play back then. And honestly, I haven’t really taken a break since—until now.

Rediscovering Me

This year has been about figuring out what I truly want to do and how I want to spend my life and time. I reconnected with my husband on our tropical island, revisited who I am and want to be, and—guess what? I decided it was finally time for my Senior Summer!

Diving Into Adventure

In May, I became certified to scuba dive. Let me tell you, that was a bigger mental challenge than I expected. I was terrified and almost quit—twice.

Scuba diving in Saipan
Scuba diving certification was more challenging than expected.

But thanks to an excellent dive instructor and a new friend, I pushed through and accomplished that goal. I felt more empowered and alive than I have in years—YEARS!

Diving the Grotto was the final hurdle to scuba certification

Embracing Youthful Energy

Then came a hike to a hidden beach with the best snorkeling I’ve experienced so far, with a group of beautiful souls all 10-20 years younger than me. It made me feel alive and young again.

Feeling 20 years younger with this crew

It was at this point that I dubbed this summer my Senior Summer. I will enjoy and play like I haven’t done in a very long time.

Island living in Saipan
I call this my Little Mermaid pose

Worldly Wanderings

So far, I spent five days in Korea in June, ten days in Japan in July, and then returned to the States for a few weeks.

South gate in Seoul, Korea
Haedong Yonggungsa Temple

I also had family come and visit my island, which was an absolute blast. These are just a few of the adventures I’ve had this summer. And it has been amazing. Sure, there have been some tough times, like poor health for loved ones and two ER visits, including one on my birthday, but overall, it’s been a transformative experience.

Saipan sign
The obligatory Saipan photo

The Cash Flow Connection

So, how does all this fun tie into cash flow? Having a plan, a target, and a destination made it all possible. Knowing beforehand how to finance all our activities while doing what I love most (cash flow consulting) has helped me feel a sense of accomplishment and purpose throughout this time. Feeling confident about my business and personal finances has allowed me not to worry and truly relax and enjoy this time.

Your Turn for a Senior Summer

Could you step back from your business and enjoy a Senior Summer? What steps must you take to get your business finances on track to truly enjoy your life? It’s all about planning and ensuring your cash flow supports your dreams. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get that plan in place and start living!

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